Monster I’d Like to Fight: Witness
The witness is an alien creature from the realms beyond. It seeks infinite knowledge directly from the minds of its victims.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Fool’s Phoenix
The fool’s phoenix is a flightless bird with vibrant feathers. It’s crest looks like a flame and it’s dance can be rather hypnotic.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Ettin Shaman
Sighting an ettin shaman is a guarantee that there’s an entire ettin tribe nearby as shaman are often the leaders of such a tribe.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mother Ooze
A defeated mother ooze is only half the battle as it’s body ruptures, releasing it’s offspring of oozlings. Take care to defeat the escaping oozling.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Leaf Spirit
The leaf spirit is a type of air elemental that wraps up leaves, twigs, and debris into a recognizable form such as humanoid or animal.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Magling
The adorable magling makes a great pet for those with mundane items abound. Careful with spells unless you want more than one to fight.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Shambling Hive
The shambling hive, born from decaying corpses, is a mobile home for various swarms of insects, such as wasps.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Hillpine
Hillpine sit above on hillsides waiting to roll into their prey, impaling them with barbed spines that will cause a fleeing or pursuing creature to bleed.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gloom Crawler
Hidden within its own light dimming aura sits the gloom crawler. It waits to ambush treasure hunters and create spawn from their corpses.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Fowler
Both admirer and hunter of birds, the fowler use a spectral flock that contains the spirits of hunted birds to defend its territory.