Monster I’d Like to Fight: Woodpecker Phoenixes
The loud smashing of wood echoing through the forest could be woodpecker phoenixes, a fiery and never-ending wood destroying elemental.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Bramble Horrors
Dryads twisted by corruption, turn into bramble horrors. Their tree spreads the corruption, increases the horror’s domain.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Corpsekelp
Corpsekelp are carnivorous saltwater plants that animate the remains of a meal and pilot them in search of more fresh food.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Paladins
Holy paladins are the defenders of good and justice. They track down otherworldly beings bent on corrupting the weak and powerless of the realm.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Rabid Stonedog
Once, kind and faithful, a rabid stonedog becomes a terrifyingly sturdy and aggressive creature with a bite that can petrify its victims.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Screecher
Born from harpy eggs, the screecher is a malformed harpy with it’s avian traits dominating its form. Instead of attracting, their song causes fear.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Head Hunter
The head hunter is the creation of a devil obsessed with acquiring heads and faces for her collection. She sent her hounds to collect them for her.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Faerie Drake
Shortfolks beware and be on guard against the faerie drake. Fey realm infused drakes with a penchant for creature smaller than them.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Fool’s Phoenix
The fool’s phoenix is a flightless bird with vibrant feathers. It’s crest looks like a flame and it’s dance can be rather hypnotic.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Leaf Spirit
The leaf spirit is a type of air elemental that wraps up leaves, twigs, and debris into a recognizable form such as humanoid or animal.