Monster I’d Like to Fight: Boot Bugs
Are your boots feeling more pleasant than normal? Has that fighter’s foot resolved itself? Perhaps you’re wearing a pair of boot bugs.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Collectors
Collectors travel the planes in search of specific creatures or objects to teleport back to their home plane with the use of their portal-like eye.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Witness
The witness is an alien creature from the realms beyond. It seeks infinite knowledge directly from the minds of its victims.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Dreamcatcher
The dreamcatcher makes for a great monster when you want to have people kidnapped and give the party a chance to rescue them.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mind Harvester
The mind harvester is a colossal aberration adorned with writhing segmented tentacles that extracts knowledge and memories from its victims.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Sleep Leech Swarm
Sleep leeches are tiny Aberrations that are attracted to populations of creatures that are often tired or exhausted where they spread slumber sickness.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Ulthalid
To maintain control over an ever expanding universe, Elder Gods created ulthalid to act as watchers and enforcers over each world within their domain.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Jethrish
Jethrish are enormous jellyfish-like Aberrations with tentacles and they can phase between the Ethereal and the Material planes.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Cephaloid
Cephaloids are a race of aberrations named for their grotesque countenance: humanoid heads writhing with tentacles.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gloomrake
Gloomrakes are drawn to the dreams of sapient beings, lurking in dark places until they sense a creature worthy of their attention.