Monster I’d Like to Fight: Faerie Drake
Shortfolks beware and be on guard against the faerie drake. Fey realm infused drakes with a penchant for creature smaller than them.
Caustic Compendium
The Caustic Compendium is a spellbook with a focus on acid damage. This includes some slime / ooze themed spells as well.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Witness
The witness is an alien creature from the realms beyond. It seeks infinite knowledge directly from the minds of its victims.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Fool’s Phoenix
The fool’s phoenix is a flightless bird with vibrant feathers. It’s crest looks like a flame and it’s dance can be rather hypnotic.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Ettin Shaman
Sighting an ettin shaman is a guarantee that there’s an entire ettin tribe nearby as shaman are often the leaders of such a tribe.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mother Ooze
A defeated mother ooze is only half the battle as it’s body ruptures, releasing it’s offspring of oozlings. Take care to defeat the escaping oozling.
Half-Ogre Race
Try out the half-ogre, our new playable race! Push around your opponents while wielding a club or greatclub or beat any Strength check sent your way.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Leaf Spirit
The leaf spirit is a type of air elemental that wraps up leaves, twigs, and debris into a recognizable form such as humanoid or animal.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Magling
The adorable magling makes a great pet for those with mundane items abound. Careful with spells unless you want more than one to fight.
Monster Flavor II
Bringing back the Monster Flavor series with some more generalized reflavoring options. Adds some spice to that orc or crocodile!