Monster I’d Like to Fight: Nemacoils
Nemacoils form from the disembodied tentacles and tendrils of aberrations, turning into horrifying creatures in their own right. Watch out for that log or stick!
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Warblebutter
Likely named by a halfling under its effect, warblebutters are fey insects that can disperse hallucinogenic dust from their wings and wield the very power of chaos.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Animated Armor
When the sorcerer’s apprentice animates a chain shirt or half plate armor, the result is quite different than normal animated armor (plate armor).
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Woodpecker Phoenixes
The loud smashing of wood echoing through the forest could be woodpecker phoenixes, a fiery and never-ending wood destroying elemental.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Boot Bugs
Are your boots feeling more pleasant than normal? Has that fighter’s foot resolved itself? Perhaps you’re wearing a pair of boot bugs.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Frostfire Lizards
Frostfire lizards wield the power of flame and ice to, producing a powerful breath that can leave foes burning with their feet frozen to the ground.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Ossicarrixes
Ossicarrixes are bone-white monsters that make their home where there are plenty of dead. They are especially interested in bones.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mimicry Flies
Lurking in the shadows making the sounds of a human in distress is actually a mimicry fly wearing the face of it’s previous victim and searching for its next meal.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Bogetis
Bogetis are swamp-dwelling yeti-like creatures with a nauseating stench. They hide among the tall grass and stagnant water to surprise prey.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Collectors
Collectors travel the planes in search of specific creatures or objects to teleport back to their home plane with the use of their portal-like eye.