Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mimicry Flies

Monster I'd Like to Fight: Mimicry Fly

Face-Wearing Fly That Abducts the Isolated

Habitat: Urban; Treasure: Any

Mimicry flies stalk villages, towns, and even cities, preying on unsuspecting victims by posing as a humanoid in distress. They wear the faces of their victims on a chitinous flap, which opens to reveal their jagged mandibles. To enhance their deception, mimicry flies conceal their bodies in darkened spaces or under debris, exposing only their “face” to lure prey closer.

These predators prefer solitude, retreating to isolated lairs such as caves or abandoned structures to feed. Their lairs often feature a high perch where they devour their prey, with heaps of bones and refuse piled below. Adventurers sometimes call these mounds “hoards,” akin to a dragon’s treasure hoard, though they usually consist of bones, trash, and the occasional valuable hidden within.

The face a mimicry fly wears is typically that of its most recent victim, as a decayed face is less convincing to new prey. Roll once on or choose a result from the Victim’s Face table to inspire the identity of the fly’s last victim.

Victim’s Face

1d8The Mimicry Fly is Wearing the Face of A …
1Grizzled miner.
2Landscape artist.
3Local drunk.
4Novice herbalist.
5Popular priest.
6Stay-at-home parent.
7Traveling merchant.
8Young lamplighter.

Mimicry Fly

Mimicry flies are solitary hunters, thriving in areas with frequent travelers. They prefer lone individuals but can daze a group by producing specific clicking sounds, allowing them to abduct a single victim.

Mimicry Fly

Large Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 15

Hit Points 150 (20d10 + 40)

Speed 20 ft., Fly 30 ft.

Initiative +5 (15)


Skills Deception +12, Perception +6, Stealth +9

Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 16

Languages None

CR 10 (XP 5,900; PB +4)


Mimicry. The fly can mimic humanoid voices. A hearer can discern the sounds are imitations with a successful DC 19 Wisdom (Insight) check.


Multiattack. The fly makes one Bite attack, two Slam attacks, and uses Hypnotic Pattern.

Bite. Melee Attack Roll: +9 (with Advantage if the target is Grappled by the fly), reach 5 ft. Hit: 27 (5d8 + 5) Piercing damage.

Slam. Melee Attack Roll: +9, reach 5 ft. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) Bludgeoning damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it has the Grappled condition (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the fly can’t Slam another target.

Hypnotic Pattern (Recharge 5–6). The fly casts Hypnotic Pattern (spell save DC 16), requiring no spell components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability.

Monster I'd Like to Fight: Mimicry Fly Full-Page


Further Reading

Looking for a smaller night-time predator, take a look at the sleep bug.

What could be made from that heap of bones? Maybe a gravegun.

Imagery created with Midjourney.

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