Monster I’d Like to Fight: Woodpecker Phoenixes
The loud smashing of wood echoing through the forest could be woodpecker phoenixes, a fiery and never-ending wood destroying elemental.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Paladins
Holy paladins are the defenders of good and justice. They track down otherworldly beings bent on corrupting the weak and powerless of the realm.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Shadowcursed Steed
A shadowcursed steed is a transformed vampire spawn that serves its vampire master as a vicious and faithful mount that can teleport around the battlefield.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Witness
The witness is an alien creature from the realms beyond. It seeks infinite knowledge directly from the minds of its victims.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gem Giant
While slumbering within stone, a gem giant absorbs nearby minerals to sustains themselves. Areas devoid of minerals are sometimes called a “giant’s rest.”
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Sauva
Sauva are adept in the mystical arts, and they use their powers of enthrallment to bend others to their will. They are sly and manipulative, using their allure and charisma to get what they desire.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Shnoggle
Shnoggles have a playful demeanor, unaware their spirited antics can be harmful to smaller creatures.