Dungeon23 – The Mausoleum – February Week 4

The Mausoleum [54x40]

Our final post for the Mausoleum. Visit the crematorium to battle against flaming ghouls or pick up some extra supplies at Morbida’s Emporium.

Rooms 1 – 5

Rooms 6 – 12

Rooms 13 – 19

20. Morbida’s Emporium

This general store is dimly lit by torches ensconced high on the stone walls. Thick cobwebs hang in the corners.

Doors. While Morbida sleeps in the afternoon the wooden doors are locked.

Morbida Shade. The proprietor of the establishment is a ghast that sells mundane items at a 50% markup. She also sells up to 2nd level spell scrolls of the divination or necromancy schools. She might have common magic items for sale as well.

Rug. A rug of smothering safeguards Morbida and her shop from would-be thieves.

21. Siren Statue

This stone room is completely dark and has an intricately patterned tile floor of repeating concentric circles. A silver siren statue sits atop a pedestal on the east side of the room.

Door. The metal door is locked, requiring a DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check to unlock or a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to bash down.

Phase Spider. If the statue starts to sing, a hostile phase spider reveals itself. It is immune to the statue’s song. If the spider is slain, the statue loses its magic.

Siren Statue. (250 gp, 40 lbs) If a creature gets within 5’ of the magical statue it starts to sing. Anybody within 60 ft. of the statue that can hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or start singing along with the statuette and be unable to take actions or move away from the statue. A creature can attempt the save again at the end of its turn. Once an affected creature has made this save or taken damage they become immune to the statue’s song.

22. Muddy Chamber

This high-ceilinged chamber has a muddy soil floor that gradually deepens from 5 feet near the door to the standing crypt at the eastern area, which is lit with oil lanterns.

Mud. The floor counts as difficult terrain. Hidden in the deepest part of the soil is an ankheg and a swarm of beetles. They emerge and attack when a creature approaches within 5 feet of the crypt.

Crypt. This stone crypt is engraved to look like a sleeping crowned woman. In the hands is a scroll of cure wounds. 2d6 lbs. of common mushrooms can be harvested from the base of the crypt.

Door. The stone door is trapped and unlocked. Opening the door triggers an arrow that deals 1d6 piercing damage unless a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw is passed. Disarming it is a DC 13 Dexterity (Thieves’ tools) check.

23. Medical Library

Two wooden bookshelves line the northern and western walls. The room is dry, warm and well lit by a lantern hanging from the ceiling.

Bookshelf. The medical books on these shelves are disordered. A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Medicine) check will find 2d4 rare books worth 10 gp each. On the shelves are also 1d4 trinkets.

Door. The door is wooden and locked. A successful DC 13 (Thieves’ Tools) check will pick the lock.

24. Elaida’s Rest

This long room is lit by three braziers spread along the far walls. In the middle is an elaborate sarcophagus carved from stone of a woman laying in a bed of thorns.

Door. When opened, an enchantment on the door makes the sound of leaves blowing in the wind. A switch within the sarcophagus can be used to lock or unlock the door. When the door is locked, it can be picked with a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check.

Sarcophagus. Elaida (vampiric veteran) is resting in the sarcophagus. She immediately wakes to the sound of the door opening and waits a few moments before locking the door and bursting from the sarcophagus to make a meal of any intruders. A scroll of enthrall is stored within the sarcophagus.

25. Eastern Cemetery

This old cemetery is surrounded by dense trees and a dark cloud of miasma beyond. Although its old, the grounds are well-kept and a number of graves have new flowers placed upon them.

Door. This unlocked heavy stone door is engraved with an upside-down cross.

Serenity. The cemetery grounds are oddly calming. A character that completes a short rest and spends hit dice as part of that rest regains additional hit points equal to their proficiency bonus.

Black Miasma. The miasma is an extradimensional space. The area is complete darkness that no light can penetrate. A character that walks for 5 minutes within the miasma eventually exits it, randomly appearing in an unoccupied space along any tree line on this level.

26. Garden Portal

Ivy covers the walls of this room with colorful purple, blue, and red blooms scattered amongst the leaves. In the center of the room is a short platform and a swirling portal suspended above the ground. The far passage is collapsed.

Door. This unlocked metal door is engraved with arcane symbols. A character that spends 5 minutes studying the runes and succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check can determine this is a portal room.

Portal. Colorful petals swirl along the edges of the portal and the scent of honey fills the air. A character that enters the portal is transported to the next dungeon level.

27. Crematorium

The walls of this room are blackened with ash.

Burn Chambers. Screams can be heard from one of the burn chambers. The players have 3 turns to rescue the victim inside, which requires using an action to open the door. Releasing the victim grants an additional 400 xp. One of the other burn chambers contains a sword blade that can be combined with the broken hilt from room 5 to create a +1 short sword.

Door. The northern metal door is warm to the touch.

Flaming Ghouls. 3 flaming ghouls attend their cremation duties, and will attempt to cremate any intruders. Use the same stats as ghouls except they are fire immune and instead of paralyzing on a failed save claw attack they deal an addition 1d8 fire damage on a failed save.

Teleportation Landing. Creatures and objects teleported from room 11 land on the star.

28. Ossuary

The walls of this room are covered from floor to ceiling with bones. Additionally, piles of bones are strewn around the room.

Central Platform. A grey stone obelisk sits atop a raised platform in the center of the room. Examining the obelisk reveals a key-shaped hole. Using the skeleton key on the obelisk causes the door to seal and lock itself. 8 skeletons rise from the bone piles around the room and attack. One of the skeletons is wearing boots of elvenkind. The door can be unlocked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check or the skeleton key.

Door. This heavy stone door is decorated with skulls in a circular pattern and is unlocked.


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The Sunken City (January)

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