The Vault: Common Magic Item Cache
This cache of common magic items was created during the height of the empires of antiquity and the creation of such items was a relatively simple task for their skilled enchanters. Despite the passage of centuries, many of these items remain fully functional and can be found scattered across the world. These relics of a […]
Codex of the Tides
The Codex of the Tides is an ancient spellbook containing beautifully illustrated and written water-based spells. Try these new spells on your next spellcaster.
The Vault: Sharkskin Shield
Need to explore an underwater area? The Sharkskin Shield can transform into a shark companion.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Deep Risen
Ye may ‘ave ‘eard o’ the deep risen, that twisted, black creature that lurks in the depths. Aye, I’ve seen it meself, seen it rise from the sea like a nightmare made real.
Dungeon23 – January Week 3
January week 3 of the Dungeon23 challenge. The overall theme is of a sunken city.
Aquatic Hazards
Exploring seaside caves, partially submerged castles, or an underwater dungeon can present new and dangerous aquatic hazards.
The Vault: Cauldron of Dungeon Cuisine
Survive in the deadliest of dungeons by throwing the monsters you defeat into this cooking pot.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Kelp Cutter
Powered by a unique alchemical energy, the kelp cutters could function for hours on end beneath the waves, and through a complex system of underwater sonar, they’d communicate with one another, coordinating their efforts to clear the kelp.
Dungeon23 – January Week 2
January week 2 of the Dungeon23 challenge. The overall theme is of a sunken city.
Bars, Inns, and Taverns
Bars, inns, and taverns are the one thing every campaign has in common. Explore a collection of establishments, from the mundane to the strange.