Dungeon23 – Fey Hollow – March Week 2
Week 2 of our March Dungeon23 level, Fey Hollow.
The Vault: Arcanovore Crossbow
Legend has it that the arcanovore crossbow was crafted by a powerful mage who sought to create a weapon that could consume the magic of other enchanted weapons.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Carnivorous Grassling
The carnivorous grassling appears as a patch of grass with native plants and weeds growing on it. It lays in wait for prey to approach before attacking.
Dungeon23 – Fey Hollow – March Week 1
Fey Hollow, the third level of our Dungeon23 mega dungeon.
Circle of Death, A Druid Subclass
The Circle of Death is an order of druids dedicated to the study and manipulation of the energy of death seeing it as a natural part of life.
The Vault: Badger Biscuit
Need a way for your character to burrow? Try the badger biscuit–a non-perishable food source that transforms your hands into digging claws.
Dungeon23 – The Mausoleum – February Week 4
Our final post for the Mausoleum. Visit the crematorium to battle against flaming ghouls or pick up some extra supplies at Morbida’s Emporium.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Verzerker
Good people, gather ’round! Let me tell you about the verzerker, a ferocious fey creature with a vermin-like appearance.
Barn Owlbear Brawl, a Tier 1 Scenario
This is our first two-page scenario featuring a new monster, map, and quick hooks, perfect for a side quest or the beginning of a new adventure.
The Vault: Wand of Shatter
The Wand of Shatter is a magic item, with the ability to smash walls. But its destruction is indiscriminate, a reminder of the dangers of power.