Monster I’d Like to Fight: Warblebutter
Likely named by a halfling under its effect, warblebutters are fey insects that can disperse hallucinogenic dust from their wings and wield the very power of chaos.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Duskwing Moths
Duskwing moths are giant, vibrant moths. They are the prized mount of Kinnen who have learned a method to turn these creatures into acidic monsters.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Webble
Webbles are plant creature that will run-off with your shiny trinkets and small valuables to decorate their home tree so carry decoys.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Astral Tadpole
An astral tadpole is a rarity born from a clutch of regular tadpoles on the Astral Plane. They’re benign creatures with psionic abilities.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Sleep Bug
The sleep bug is like an ethereal flea that nibbles at adventures while they rest, draining their life and leaving them lethargic.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Head Hunter
The head hunter is the creation of a devil obsessed with acquiring heads and faces for her collection. She sent her hounds to collect them for her.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Hillpine
Hillpine sit above on hillsides waiting to roll into their prey, impaling them with barbed spines that will cause a fleeing or pursuing creature to bleed.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Giant Mite
The Giant Mite spits acid to break down a victims skin and then proceeds to munch on them, restoring their vigor. Watch out for these bugs hiding about.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Boghoul
Similar to ghouls, a boghoul makes it home in bogs, swamps, and marshes. Boghouls are adept swimmers and lay ambushes for their prey.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Bouncing Ooze
The bouncing ooze is a highly mobile ooze with a resilient coating allowing it to bounce around the battlefield and leap to its prey.