Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gerblin
In the frozen lands of the north, there dwelt a fey race of small, intelligent creatures, known for their skill with tools and their martial prowess. They were known as gerblins, and as skilled craftsmen, they would create intricate machines and structures, which they used to protect their homes and families from harm.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Shnoggle
Shnoggles have a playful demeanor, unaware their spirited antics can be harmful to smaller creatures.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Frore Demon
Frore Demons wander frigid tundra, ravaging everything in their path, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Boghemoth
When a particularly powerful will-o’-wisp consumes the life force of a dying shambling mound, it can merge itself with the mound’s mass, forming a boghemoth.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mma’roq
Mma’roq roam arctic wastelands usually accompanied by several packs of dire wolves.