Monster I’d Like to Fight: Ossicarrixes

Monster I'd Like to Fight: Ossicarrix

Bone-Thirsty Ossified Insect

Habitat: Any; Treasure: Any

Ossicarrixes are bone-white, insectile creatures with armored carapaces that stretch from their heads to their tails. Their six legs allow them to move quickly across land or burrow beneath the earth. Their eyeless face is dominated by a large maw capable of crushing bones.

These creatures thrive in graveyards and on battlefields littered with dead, which provide the ideal environment for them to lay their 2-foot-long eggs. Once hatched, the ossicarrix young consume nearby remains, particularly bones, for sustenance until they mature and begin hunting on their own.

While ossicarrixes prefer scavenging in areas with an abundance of dead, they can become dangerous predators when food is scarce, targeting the living to sate their hunger. Some ossicarrixes develop unique preferences for specific types of bones. Roll once on or choose a result from the Preferred Bones table to inspire the ossicarrixes favorite type of bones.

Preferred Bones

1d6The Ossicarrixe Prefers Bones …
1From creatures it has recently killed.
2From creatures that naturally fly.
3From the largest creatures it can find.
4In large quantities from smaller creatures.
5That have aged beneath the ground.
6With decaying flesh still attached.

Adult Ossicarrix

Adult ossicarrixes are massive creatures that have grown over centuries. Their immense size and appetite often make scavenging insufficient to sustain them. As a result, adult ossicarrixes are more likely to attack settlements, caravans, or any large creatures.

Adult Ossicarrix

Gargantuan Monstrosity, Unaligned

Armor Class 17

Hit Points 186 (12d20 + 60)

Speed 60 ft., Burrow 40 ft.

Initiative +2 (12)


Skills Perception +5, Stealth +11

Immunities Acid

Senses Blindsight 120 ft. (Blind beyond this radius), Tremorsense 300 ft., Passive Perception 15

Languages None

CR 12 (XP 8,400; PB +4)


Dust Cloud (Recharge 5–6). When the ossicarrix emerges from burrowing, it creates a stationary, Heavily Obscured area in a 10-foot Emanation originating from itself. The area lasts until the end of the ossicarrix’s next turn or until a strong wind disperses it.

Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the ossicarrix fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The ossicarrix makes one Bite attack and uses Slam twice.

Bite. Melee Attack Roll: +10, reach 15 ft. Hit: 20 (2d12 + 7) Piercing damage plus 18 (4d8) Acid damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this attack dies, it’s body is destroyed, and the ossicarrix regains 11 (2d10) hit points.

Slam. Dexterity Saving Throw: DC 18, each other creature in a 5-foot Sphere centered on a point within 15 feet. Failure: 16 (3d10) Bludgeoning damage, and the target has the Prone condition.

Acid Spray (Recharge 5–6). Constitution Saving Throw: DC 17, each creature in a 60-foot Cone. Failure: 38 (11d6) Acid damage. Success: Half damage.

Monster I'd Like to Fight: Ossicarrix Full Page


Further Reading

The lair of an ossicarrix probably has undead nearby; having a holy water balloon on hand could be helpful.

Some spooky hazards a party might run into when in the area of an ossicarrix.

Imagery created with Midjourney.

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