Dungeon23 – February Week 1

Dungeon23 February Week 1

Welcome to the February Dungeon23 level. Delve into a crypt overrun with ghouls and ghasts or explore the surrounding forest that are blanketed in a strange miasma of shadow. You can find a download to the map at the end of this post along with a link to the previous level.

1. Portal Room

Anybody emerging from the portal first can see a portcullis slamming into the floor, dividing the room. An altar fills the area with a cold blue light. Hallways extend to the west and east. A mural of ghoulish creatures embalming bodies can be seen on the south wall.

Portcullis. A successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check is needed to lift the portcullis. A roll of a natural 1 causes it to slam down dealing 2d4 piercing damage.

Altar. A crystal ball worth 10 gp glows with an eerie light. Removing it from the altar causes the light to fade away.

South and West Doors. The wooden doors are unlocked.

2. Cleansing Chamber

Wooden cabinets line the north wall of this tiled chamber. There are two wash basins along the south wall.

Cabinets. Searching through the cabinets yields two sets of common clothes, one set of fine clothes, and a potion of healing.

Wash Basin. A character that cleanses their face or hands in the basin gains 1d4 temporary hit points. This effect can only be used once every month per character.

3. Altar to the Eyeless

A statue of a woman without eyes is flanked by two altars covered with dimly lit candles and melted wax.

Altars. A number of worthless trinkets litter the altars alongside both fresh and completely melted candles. A character that searches the altars and succeeds on a DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds various coins with a combined worth of 12 gp.

Statue. The statue of a woman wearing flowing robes and wielding a staff has square-shaped, dark, empty eye sockets. If a pair of gems worth 100 gp each are inserted into the eye sockets, they vanish in a flash of light and the staff turns into a +1 quarterstaff.

4. Hall of Urns

This long hallway has a number of alcoves filled with clay pots and ends in a heavy metal door.

Alcoves. Clay pots of various qualities are carefully placed within the alcoves. Some have intricate designs while others are plain and each contains the ashes of the deceased. If the pots are disturbed, two aggressive dust mephits appear nearby. When defeated, they turn into piles of dust of dryness with 1d4 + 1 uses each.

Door. This locked heavy metal door is carved with images of flourishing plants. The lock can be picked with a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check.

5. Warriors Rest

Unlit braziers line the walls of this room. Six sarcophaguses are evenly spaced in this room. A metal door on the east wall is partially open.

Sarcophagus. Each sarcophagus is beautifully carved with a full body depiction of a knight or warrior. Shoving aside a lid requires a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check, revealing desiccated remains and 1d4 trinkets. Disturbing any of the sarcophaguses summons a spectral warrior (use the bandit captain statistics) that immediately attacks. When defeated, it drops a a broken sword hilt.

Door. This metal door appears to be damaged and won’t close.

Secret Door. A character notices a slight breeze from the southern wall with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. Pushes against the wall reveals a secret passage.


Previous Levels

The Sunken City (January)

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