Monster I’d Like to Fight: Bearserker
When a warrior consumed by rage meets their demise, they are reborn on the plane of battle as a bearserker with eternal fury.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Magmis
Magmis are colossal elemental beings hailing from the scorching realm of the Elemental Plane of Fire that bring fire and destruction to a surrounding area.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Aireqaix Enlightened
Aireqaix are small symbiotic aberrations that search for a host with latent psychic abilities to empower and create a long lasting union.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Fairy Knight
A fairy knight is a diminutive fey creatures adorned in elaborate armor, wielding a sword, lance, or spear and powerful wings.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mind Harvester
The mind harvester is a colossal aberration adorned with writhing segmented tentacles that extracts knowledge and memories from its victims.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Skeletal Commander
An undead army craves structure and order to manifest as a fearsome and coordinated force. A skeletal commander is a fallen veteran with battlefield experience.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Raptech
A raptech is a vicious mechanized dinosaur with heavy armor plating and a spine launcher along its back. They tend to hunt in packs, looking for a lone creature or straggler, to quickly grab the creature and escape without notice.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Sleep Leech Swarm
Sleep leeches are tiny Aberrations that are attracted to populations of creatures that are often tired or exhausted where they spread slumber sickness.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Salarsh
Salarsh are a race of humanoid creatures created through the druid awakening of swamp lizards. Salarsh have a natural affinity with magic.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Ulthalid
To maintain control over an ever expanding universe, Elder Gods created ulthalid to act as watchers and enforcers over each world within their domain.