Monster I’d Like to Fight: Snapfist
Snapfists lurk in the shallows of swamps or coastal tide pools feeding off any carrion they come upon, using their claws to shovel the remains into their maws.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mma’roq
Mma’roq roam arctic wastelands usually accompanied by several packs of dire wolves.
Monster I’d Like To Fight: Carnival Creeper
A carnival creeper stalks carnivals and other amusements, lurking in the darkness, waiting for a straggler to wander off alone.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Swarm of Sweetipedes
Sweetipedes form tight-knit colonies that, at a distance, appear to be tasty piles of confectionary delights.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Pumpkindred
Pumpkindred hide among pumpkin patches or other crops, appearing to be a normal variety of squash. However, once a living creature passes close enough for the pumpkindred to detect, it will reveal its true, violent nature.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gloomrake
Gloomrakes are drawn to the dreams of sapient beings, lurking in dark places until they sense a creature worthy of their attention.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Cobalt Stalker
Cobalt stalkers are ancient constructs that relentlessly track their quarry. Some stalkers capture their prey while others seek only destruction.