Shnaggles needed help. Their offspring, Shnoggles, were restless and bored during the times they travelled to attend the winter court of the Seelie. Fey artisans tried crafting toys and other amusements to no avail. It wasn’t until the great snowball battles that the Shnoggles held that the Shnoggle Snow Globe was created.
The Shnaggles could finally attend the Seelie Court winter gathering without worrying. Unfortunately, sometimes their offspring made their way to the mortal realm with the globes to cause havoc there until defeated and sent back to the fey realm.
Shnoggle Snow Globe
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
This item is a glass sphere 8 inches in diameter, enclosing a figurine of a snowman, water, and small white beads.
As an action, you can throw this item up to 20 feet into an unoccupied space destroying the globe and summoning a snowman which begins throwing snowballs. When summoned, and at the start of your next two turns, a creature of your choice that the snowman can see and is within 60 feet of the snowman must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The damage increases to 10 (3d6) if the temperature is less than 32 Fahrenheit (0 Celsius).
After two turns, the snowman disintegrates leaving behind a pile of snow, and a few items the snowman was wearing. Dealing 10 bludgeoning, force, or fire damage to the snowman (AC 12, +0 to saving throws) also causes it to disintegrate.
Story Hooks for DMs:
- On the road, the adventurers encounter a merchant wagon. The proprietor is a human named Ameera. She believes the next stretch of the road is dangerous and isn’t confident her two inexperienced guards can protect her wagon of goods. She offers the party a potion of healing and a shnoggle snow globe to escort her. If they accept, they will be ambushed by gnolls and must earn their pay. If they pass, she will wait for another trade caravan and the party will be ambushed by gnolls.
- In a dungeon or cavern the party come upon a corridor with a constant freezing wind that pushes all who enter toward the western end of the hallway. There is a pit in the western end of the hall filled with frost covered stalagmites, and the western wall is covered in the same. In the eastern part of the corridor is a pedestal with a shnoggle snow globe stuck to it with a layer of ice.
- The next shop the party visits to buy supplies is run by an elderly dwarf named Valder Bravewhiskers. He rambles about random topics and becomes distracted easily as he slowly gathers the items the players are attempting to buy. If the players patiently answer his odd questions, respond with interesting conversation, or are able to make him laugh with a joke he will offer a shnoggle snow globe at the discounted price of 200 gp.
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