An order of monks made their monastery at the summit of a harsh and cold mountain peak called the Jagged Tooth. The monks followed a daily routine that included physical training, meditation, and manual labor, all with the aim of increasing their endurance and toughening their bodies. As a result, they became famous as warriors.
The Jagged Tooth Monastery was built on a mountain rich in silver deposits, and as a result, it was frequently targeted by invaders seeking to mine the mountain. To defend their home, the monks would send out their strongest warrior to challenge the opposing army’s hero. These warriors wore the champion breaker parka, a magical garment that had never failed to help the monks defeat the enemy’s champion in battle.
Champion Breaker Parka
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Monk)
This item is a hooded coat made of thick leather with a fur lining.
While you wear this item you gain the following effects:
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and you have advantage on saving throws against being pushed or moved.
At the end of your turn, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice the number of times you hit an enemy with an unarmed strike or monk weapon that turn.
As long as the parka remains dry, you automatically succeed on saving throws against the effects of extreme cold.
Story hooks for DMs:
- While exploring, the adventurers come across an orc monk named Rhilzua who is trapped under a pile of rocks. The rocks are precariously balanced and could potentially collapse if disturbed, making it dangerous for the party to try and free her. However, if they are able to successfully rescue Rhilzua, she will reward them with a silver necklace worth 150 gp. She also offers either her champion breaker parka or a set of jewelry worth 3,000 gp for escorting her back to her monastery, located at the summit of a mountain. The journey to the monastery will take two days and the party can expect to be attacked by ice trolls along the way.
- The adventurers come across an old gnome hermit named Grom Sparklecoin living in a secluded cabin deep in the forest. Grom tells the party about a powerful magic item called the champion breaker parka, which is a powerful item for monks. Grom has spent many years searching for the parka and believes it to be located within a hidden cave high in the mountains. Desperate to find the parka and put an end to his search, Grom offers to pay the party a generous sum if they can retrieve it for him. However, the cave is guarded by a group of frost giants and the party will need to use all of their skills and cunning to defeat them and claim the parka as their own.
- The adventurers come across a group of dwarves who are in desperate need of their help. The dwarves explain that they have been trying to retrieve a powerful magic item called the champion breaker parka from a hidden chamber within a nearby mountain but have been unable to do so due to the dangerous traps and guardians that protect it. The dwarves offer to pay the party a bar of mithril as a reward if they are able to retrieve the parka for them. The chamber is a trapped mausoleum with a secret inner sanctum where the parka is guarded by undead monks.
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