The Vault: Bracer of the Mystic Hand
The bracer was designed to be worn on the arm, and it has the ability to replace a lost hand, allowing its user to regain full use of their limb.
The Vault: Blink Dog’s Paw
While wearing this amulet, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
In addition, you can cast the misty step spell using the amulet. Once you do so, you can’t do so again until the next dawn.
The Vault: Dungeon Oracle Dice
The Dungeon Oracle Dice can reveal what threats (hidden or not) are behind closed doors.
The Vault: Common Magic Item Cache
This cache of common magic items was created during the height of the empires of antiquity and the creation of such items was a relatively simple task for their skilled enchanters. Despite the passage of centuries, many of these items remain fully functional and can be found scattered across the world. These relics of a […]
The Vault: Cauldron of Dungeon Cuisine
Survive in the deadliest of dungeons by throwing the monsters you defeat into this cooking pot.
The Vault: Collapsible Pole
The Collapsible Pole is a 10-foot pole that can collapse to 6 inches. A rogue can use this item to vault around the battlefield.
The Vault: Cord of Devious Strikes
The Cord of Devious Strikes is a magic item for monks and rogues which increases the damage you do with bonus action attacks.
The Vault: Champion Breaker Parka
This cold weather jacket known as the Champion Breaker Parka will increase your monk’s AC and give you temporary hit points.
The Vault: Froststrike Scarf
The froststrike scarf will protect you from the cold and can transform into a whip if you are need of a weapon at a moment’s notice.
The Vault: Shnoggle Snow Globe
This wondrous item will summon a snowman that will pelt your enemies.