Monster I’d Like to Fight: Nemacoils
Nemacoils form from the disembodied tentacles and tendrils of aberrations, turning into horrifying creatures in their own right. Watch out for that log or stick!
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Warblebutter
Likely named by a halfling under its effect, warblebutters are fey insects that can disperse hallucinogenic dust from their wings and wield the very power of chaos.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Boot Bugs
Are your boots feeling more pleasant than normal? Has that fighter’s foot resolved itself? Perhaps you’re wearing a pair of boot bugs.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Kinnen
Kinnen are a Tiny nomadic race of Fey creatures known for their bravery and nightly celebrations. At 2-inches-tall, they are small but might creatures.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Paradragon
Just a single unchecked paradragon can cause all manner of havoc on an unsuspecting town or city, sowing discord and chaos everywhere it goes.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Astral Tadpole
An astral tadpole is a rarity born from a clutch of regular tadpoles on the Astral Plane. They’re benign creatures with psionic abilities.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Sleep Bug
The sleep bug is like an ethereal flea that nibbles at adventures while they rest, draining their life and leaving them lethargic.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Absorption Elemental
The absorption elemental is a floating sphere of elemental chaos that grows as it takes damage until it’s absorbed too much and explodes.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mother Ooze
A defeated mother ooze is only half the battle as it’s body ruptures, releasing it’s offspring of oozlings. Take care to defeat the escaping oozling.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Magling
The adorable magling makes a great pet for those with mundane items abound. Careful with spells unless you want more than one to fight.