Monster I’d Like to Fight: Cinderhusk
When a forest has suffered from exploitation and carelessness, its trees birth a threat that can track down and deliver vengeance – the cinderhusk.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Pastie
Pasties are small fey covered in oily skin and fur. They wield a staff as a source of their adhesive magic and have a lust for gold coins.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Psycho Sea Jay
Aboleths easily dominate sea jays, bestowing upon them some of their psychic powers and protection. However, this charming bond on a simple mind can lead to a psychic break, creating a psycho sea jay.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Salarsh
Salarsh are a race of humanoid creatures created through the druid awakening of swamp lizards. Salarsh have a natural affinity with magic.
Plane Convergence, Mechanical in Nature
The infinite planes of the multiverse are slowly shifting in space which can cause multiple planes to overlap, birthing a demiplane through plane convergence.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Scampry
Scampry are small mischievous Fey creatures that make their homes along well-traveled roads looking for travelers to prank.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Shardshell
Greetings, kind traveler! Allow me to regale you with a tale of my own adventures in the land of yore. Once, as a young squire, I learned of a rare creature known as a shardshell. Tis said that its shell was made of sparkling crystals, and many sought after its riches. So, I gathered a […]