Monster I’d Like to Fight: Boilsquito
Over countless centuries in Hell, these mosquitoes have undergone a horrific evolution, giving rise to a more malevolent incarnation known as the boilsquito.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Spined Salientian
A spined salientian is an amphibious, toad-like creatures with poisonous spines and the ability to teleport between puddles of water.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Zombivore
‘Tis a creature like no other – it feeds on the corpses of the undead.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Shardshell
Greetings, kind traveler! Allow me to regale you with a tale of my own adventures in the land of yore. Once, as a young squire, I learned of a rare creature known as a shardshell. Tis said that its shell was made of sparkling crystals, and many sought after its riches. So, I gathered a […]
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Snapfist
Snapfists lurk in the shallows of swamps or coastal tide pools feeding off any carrion they come upon, using their claws to shovel the remains into their maws.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Mma’roq
Mma’roq roam arctic wastelands usually accompanied by several packs of dire wolves.