Monster I’d Like to Fight: Swarm of Sweetipedes
Sweetipedes form tight-knit colonies that, at a distance, appear to be tasty piles of confectionary delights.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Pumpkindred
Pumpkindred hide among pumpkin patches or other crops, appearing to be a normal variety of squash. However, once a living creature passes close enough for the pumpkindred to detect, it will reveal its true, violent nature.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gloomrake
Gloomrakes are drawn to the dreams of sapient beings, lurking in dark places until they sense a creature worthy of their attention.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Cobalt Stalker
Cobalt stalkers are ancient constructs that relentlessly track their quarry. Some stalkers capture their prey while others seek only destruction.