Monster I’d Like to Fight: Bogetis
Bogetis are swamp-dwelling yeti-like creatures with a nauseating stench. They hide among the tall grass and stagnant water to surprise prey.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Absorption Elemental
The absorption elemental is a floating sphere of elemental chaos that grows as it takes damage until it’s absorbed too much and explodes.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Shambling Hive
The shambling hive, born from decaying corpses, is a mobile home for various swarms of insects, such as wasps.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Fowler
Both admirer and hunter of birds, the fowler use a spectral flock that contains the spirits of hunted birds to defend its territory.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Fungeratu
The vampire Luciano Vosmus created new potions by mixing his blood with various substances. He created fungeratu when he mixed his blood with a rare fungus.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Rootwraith
Rootwraiths are evil spirits that inhabit dying forests and swamps. Little is known of them outside a rhyme oft recited by village children.