The Vault: Staff of Utility

The staff of utility’s creation was a stroke of accidental genius. Centuries ago, in the bustling workshop of a gnome inventor named Wump Brammer, a bag of holding—an enchanted pouch with immense storage capacity—was carelessly tossed onto a cluttered workbench. In a moment of arcane chaos, one of Wump’s experimental staves activated, absorbing some of the bag’s magic and fusing with some nearby loose items. This unintentional creation would come to be known as the staff of utility.

Wump was perplexed at first. Then he saw the potential. The staff of utility could transform into various pieces of adventuring gear—a crowbar, a flute, a ladder, a portable ram, a shovel, and more. He refined his creation with a series of rituals, adding even more forms to the staff’s repertoire. Each additional item was fused into an enchanted iron band that was then bound the staff.

In the gnome community, the staff of utility quickly gained a reputation. It became a cherished Begetter’s Day present, symbolizing the blend of practicality and ingenuity that gnome fathers passed down to their offspring. It was also a popular gift for ten-year anniversaries, a token of appreciation for long-standing partnerships. Its ability to morph into whatever tool or instrument was needed at the moment made it beloved among gnomekind.

Over time, the staff of utility spread beyond the gnome communities. It eventually found its way into the hands of adventuring parties seeking to condense their gear. Some claimed it was a divine gift, others swore it was the result of a wizard’s failed experiment.

Staff of Utility

Staff, Common

As an action or bonus action, you can transform this staff into one of the following forms:

  • Crowbar
  • Flute
  • Ladder
  • Portable Ram
  • Shovel

It remains in this form until you use an action or bonus action to revert it back into a staff.

As part of a long rest, you can add one additional form to the staff by fusing an object into the staff. The object is absorbed into the staff and its form is added to the list above. The object must be a piece of adventuring gear, a tool or a musical instrument. It cannot be consumable or have charges.

Check out last week’s item: spectercles.

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