The Vault: Sludgehammer

There exists a tale among dwarvenkind almost as ancient as the mountains themselves, told around tavern hearths and etched into their stone halls. It speaks of a legendary hero, whose name has been lost to the ages, but whose deeds are fondly remembered. This hero, stout of heart and strong of arm, wielded a hammer forged under the mountain by skilled dwarven hands, etched with enchantments by master runesmiths.

The hero clashed against an encroaching darkness that threatened to consume the realm. Yet it was not only the skill of the smiths that granted this weapon its power, for fate intervened in a most peculiar manner. As the hero faced a monstrous ooze imbued with arcane energy, a mindless creature born with an endless hunger for destruction, a cataclysmic collision occurred. The hammer met with the gelatinous mass, and in that moment of chaos, the hammer’s runes intermingled with the ooze’s arcane essence. Thus, the sludgehammer was born.


Weapon (Any Hammer), Rare

This weapon deals an extra 1d6 acid damage to any target it hits. If your attack roll with this weapon misses a creature, you can splash acid on a different creature within 10 feet of it, dealing acid damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Furthermore, you know if there is an ooze within 30 feet of you, as well as where the creature is located. If you slay a hostile ooze with this weapon, it becomes empowered. While empowered, it grants a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with it. This empowerment ends when a creature other than you makes an attack roll with it.

Check out last week’s item: the dragonhead scourge.

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