The Vault: Sigourney’s Weaver’s Tools

These magical weaver’s tools were created by a powerful enchantress, who was fascinated by the art of weaving and its potential application to the arcane arts. She spent years studying ancient texts, experimenting with various spells and rituals until she discovered the secret to imbuing yarn with mystical properties.

Using her newfound knowledge, she crafted the magical tools, which consisted of a set of needles carved from moonstone, thread spun from silversilk, and a set of crystal scissors. Each tool was ensorcelled with potent enchantments that allowed skilled thread-smiths to weave the latent magical energy of the world into their creations.

These tools are coveted by a variety of people, from nobles who desire the finest enchanted garments to mages who seek to use the tools to supplement their magical abilities. Skilled weavers also seek out the tools as a means of honing their craft and creating masterpieces worthy of admiration.

Sigourney’s Weaver’s Tools

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)

You gain proficiency with weaver’s tools while attuned to this item. If you already have proficiency with weaver’s tools, your proficiency bonus is doubled.

Furthermore, as an action, you create one of the following weaves:

  • Yarn Familiar. You create a familiar made of yarn. This familiar uses the same rules as a familiar gained from the find familiar spell.
  • Sweater of Warmth. While wearing this sweater, you have resistance to cold damage.
  • Fashionable Shawl. While wearing this shawl, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
  • Knit Slippers. While wearing these slippers, your steps make no sound and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to move silently.

Once you’ve created a weave, you can’t do so again until the next dawn. The weave unravels if you create a new weave, if it is more than 100 feet away from you or if your attunement ends.

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