The Vault: Quiver of the Wilds

As dawn broke, Strider Thorne rose from his bedroll. He reached for the quiver of the wilds, hanging from a nearby tree branch. The quiver glowed faintly. Gnawing on hardtack, he watched as three new arrows materialized within.

Today, he had a mission. A nearby village had sent word that a ferocious creature had been terrorizing their livestock. Thorne slung the quiver over his shoulder and set off. As he approached, the villagers eyed him with a mixture of hope and fear. Thorne spoke with an elder who described the creature—a monstrous beast that would slaughter their cattle at night then slip back into the shadows.

Nightfall came swiftly, and Thorne found himself stalking the fields surrounding the village. The moon cast an eerie glow, and the air was thick with anticipation. Then a dim shadow crept out from the forest’s edge, slinking towards a herd of sleeping cattle.

He quickly fired one of his arrows, striking the ground near the shadow. There was a burst of light, and the creature’s form was revealed: a large, wolf-bear with glowing red eyes. It stood up on its hind legs and released a bone-chilling roar.

Thorne drew a second arrow. He let it fly, and upon impact, the creature’s mass diminished, shrinking to half of its size. The monster staggered, confusion replacing rage.

With the third arrow, Thorne knew he had to end it. He whispered a prayer to the forest spirits then loosed the final shot. The arrow gleamed with an orange light, striking the creature in the chest. Just as the beast reached for the arrow, it exploded, engulfing the beast in a small fireball. When the flames receded, all that remained was a pile of charred bones.

The villagers emerged from their homes, cheering and thanking Thorne. He nodded, accepting their gratitude with humility. Thorne glanced at the quiver, now empty, and wondered what new arrows the next dawn would bring.

Quiver of the Wilds

Wondrous Item, Rare

This quiver generates 1d4 + 1 magical arrows at dawn. When these arrows are generated, any arrows previously generated by the quiver disintegrate. Once an arrow’s effect has been used, it disintegrates. Roll a d6 for each arrow generated and consult the following table to determine its effect:

1Arrow, +1.
2Exploding. On a hit, each target within 20 feet of the hit target must make a DC 17 Dexterity save, taking 3d6 fire damage on a failure or half as much on a success.
3Healing. On a hit, roll damage as normal. Instead of taking damage, the target regains a number of hit points equal to the number rolled.
4Revealing. On a hit, the invisible condition is removed from creatures within 30 feet of the target. Additionally, invisible objects and hidden passages within the area are revealed to you.
5Shrinking. On a hit, an unwilling creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be affected by the reduce option of the enlarge reduce spell. Objects are automatically affected.
6Teleporting. On a hit, you teleport to the nearest empty space adjacent to the target.

Check out last week’s item: the javelin of splitting.

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