Final One, A Feat for Survivors
The tales of crazed murderers, hungry monsters, and vengeful spirits terrorizing people always end with the final one survivor.
The Vault: Macabre Mask
This macabre mask allows you to transform into a ghoul, a dire wolf, or a scarecrow.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Pumpkindred
Pumpkindred hide among pumpkin patches or other crops, appearing to be a normal variety of squash. However, once a living creature passes close enough for the pumpkindred to detect, it will reveal its true, violent nature.
Trick or Treat, a Halloween Spell
Share candy with enemies and allies alike and give them a surprising trick or treat with this new Halloween themed 1st-Level spell.
The Vault: Battlefield Medic’s Gloves
The Battlefield Medic’s Gloves will help you keep your adventuring party healed in the heat of battle.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gloomrake
Gloomrakes are drawn to the dreams of sapient beings, lurking in dark places until they sense a creature worthy of their attention.
Barbarian, Path of the Wanderer
Path of the Wanderer is a barbarian subclass that wields the strength of the natural world. It focuses on the wild fighting style of dual wielding.
The Vault: The Circlet of Elvenkind
The Circlet of Elvenkind grants any adventurer some of the abilities of being an Elf as well as help with communicating with Elves.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Cobalt Stalker
Cobalt stalkers are ancient constructs that relentlessly track their quarry. Some stalkers capture their prey while others seek only destruction.
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