On the fourth layer of Hell is a city named Abriymoch. It is an imposing spike of obsidian which rises hundreds of feet from the lava-filled caldera of an active volcano.
In the recesses of the city is a Horned Devil named Jaggorak who forges Infernal Helms from steel recovered from the weapons and armor of defeated Demons. These items are used as rewards for loyal servants of the rulers of this plane (Fierna and Belial), or as a way to tempt mortals into completing tasks that advance Hell’s goals on the Prime Material Plane.
Infernal Helm
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
This metallic helmet is shaped to resemble a fiendish head with a crystal eye mounted on the forehead.
While wearing this helmet, you gain the following effects:
Demon Steel. You gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Devil’s Sight. You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet which is not impeded by magical darkness.
Fearsome Visage. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) ability checks, but disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) ability checks.
Story hooks for DMs:
- The adventurers are in a dungeon when they come upon a heavy steel door with no discernible way to open it covered in runes. A character that can read the infernal language will be able to touch the runes in the correct order to open it. The chamber behind the door contains a five-foot-deep pool of lava. The Infernal Helm can be seen at the bottom.
- While crossing through a dark alley, the party is stopped by members of the Midnight Veil thieves’ guild. The lead thug (a human named Exhulina) is wearing the Infernal Helm. She attempts to intimidate the adventurers into paying a 500 gp “safety tax”.
- A kobold alchemist named Akka has posted notices up around the city. He offers the Infernal Helm as a reward to anybody who can bring him all 5 heads of a single hydra. If the adventurers speak to Akka before they leave town, he can give directions to a mountain cave 30 miles away where a hydra has made its lair.