The Flavor of Death, Monster Templates

The Flavor of Death: Mummified Goblin.

Undead can be found all over the adventuring world. From the depths of a dungeon or crypt to the hordes that march on cities controlled by evil necromancers. But those undead started out alive as another creature entirely. These abilities, when applied to that original creature, or even onto another undead, can provide new challenges that better fit with the stories you want to tell. Share the flavor of death with your players.

When using these abilities, remember that the creature’s appearance, behavior, and actions are as important as the added ability.

If an ability would require a saving throw, use a DC from an ability the creature already has. If unavailable, the DC is 8 + the creature’s proficiency bonus + the relevant ability modifier (Consitution for these abilities).


Noxious. When the creature is dealt damage, it can use its reaction to expel poisonous gas within 5 feet of it. Each other creature in the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on its next attack or ability check before the end of its next turn.

Bloated Characteristic

1A vile stench emanates from the creature.
2The creature’s limbs, digits, and belly are swollen.
3The creature’s skin is pale and clammy.
4The creature’s clothing, fur, and hair is waterlogged.
5Underwater plant debris is tangled in the creature’s hair.
6The creature belches excessively.


Formless. The creature can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing and is immune to the grappled condition.

Boneless Characteristic

1The creature has a slick slimy texture to its skin.
2The creature’s movement has a disturbing quality.
3The creature is difficult to see when viewed from the side.
4The creature moves like a rolling mass of rubbery appendages.
5The creature makes a squishing sound as it moves.
6The creature’s form can go from flat to an inflated appearance.


Mummy Rot. When the creature deals damage, it instead deals necrotic damage and the target can’t regain hit points until the creature’s next turn.

Embalmed Characteristic

1The creature’s body is wrapped in bandages and cloth.
2The creature’s skin is desiccated.
3The creature’s movement is accompanied by dust.
4Dark fluids leak from the creature’s wounds.
5The creature is protective of a particular item.
6The creature’s movement is stiff.


Absent Noggin. The creature gains blindsight of 30 feet (blind beyond this radius) and it has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Headless Characteristic

1… the creature doesn’t have a head.
2A glowing face appears where the creature’s head would be.
3The creature’s head floats nearby.
4The creature’s head has been replaced by a large squash.
5The creature holds its head in its hands.
6The creature’s head is severely malformed.
The Flavor of Death: Rot Goblin.
Image by Midjourney


Necrosis. When the creature deals damage, it instead deals necrotic damage and the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be diseased. While diseased, a creature has disadvantage on Charisma ability checks as it sports festering boils, coughs up flies, and sheds rotting skin.

Rot Characteristic

1The creatures eyes are a sickly yellow or green.
2Layers of boils erupt from portions of the creature’s skin.
3Worms and maggots tunnel along the creature’s skin.
4Nearby plants wither in the creature’s wake.
5The creature’s teeth and nails are blackened.
6The creature’s flesh flakes away easily.


Carrion. As an action, the creature can eat a recently deceased target and regain a number of hit points equal to a roll of the target’s hit die. The creature can use this ability once per target.

Scavenger Characteristic

1The creature has a preoccupation with the recently deceased.
2The creature is part of a pack that eats together.
3The creature’s teeth and claws are razor-sharp.
4The creature often sniffs the air.
5The creature twitches.
6The creature’s fur or hair is patchy.
The Flavor of Death: Spectral Goblin.
Image by Midjourney


Incorporeal Movement. The creature can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Spectral Characteristic

1The creature appears semitransparent with a blue glow.
2The lower half of the creature’s body fades into a wispy tail.
3The creature speaks in moans and whispers.
4An aura of cold emanates from the creature.
5A trail of mist or smoke follows the creature’s movement.
6The creatures face switches between serenity and horror.


Life Drain. Once per turn, when the creature deals damage with a natural weapon, it regains a number of hit points equal to a roll of its hit die. The creature cannot benefit from this trait while in sunlight or if it was dealt radiant damage since its last turn.

Vampiric Characteristic

1The creature has pointed, elongated canines.
2The creature’s eyes are captivating and alluring.
3The creature has pale skin and glowing red eyes.
4The creature lacks a reflection in mirrors.
5Bats, rats, and wolves have an affinity towards the creature.
6The creature has a regal bearing with an air of confidence and power.

Further Reading

Looking for a skeletal or zombie template? Have a look at our Monster Flavor post.

The shroud of the fallen is a great item to give a player so they can sneak around undead.


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