Dungeon23 – January Week 3

Map made in Dungeon Scrawl (70 pixels a square, 58×53)

Rooms 1 to 7

Rooms 8 to 14

15. Green Room

Once a room for musicians to ready themselves before a performance, this room is now in ruins. Broken tables and mirrors blockade the eastern half of the double doors, and tattered clothing is strewn all about the tiled floor. The smell of rotting flesh permeates the room.

South Doors. These double doors are clad in bronze and are etched with figures of musicians playing various instruments to the delight of underwater creatures. The doors are locked which can be picked with a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. Rubble in front of the eastern half of the doors requires a successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check to push open.

Zombies. Three zombies are milling around the northern part of the room. Picking the door lock will not alert them, but any loud noise such as pushing the eastern door through the rubble will.

Debris. Any character that searches through the debris in the room will find a silver hand mirror worth 20 gp and a hand brush worth 5 gp.

16. Meditation Hall

Lush greenery fills this room, dimly illuminated by flickering torchlight embedded in the ceilings. A gently burbling stone fountain occupies an elevated platform in the room’s center.

Oozes. Two gray oozes are hidden in the room’s corners. They only become aggressive if a creature brings metal into the room past the chests at each doorway.

Resting. If the party finishes a short or long rest in this room they gain 1d10 temporary hit points.

Wood Chests. Unlocked. Each contains various metal trinkets of no v alue. Western has a short sword and 8 gp. Southern has tinker’s tools and 43 sp. East has chain mail.

17. Washroom

Filth covers the walls and some of the ceiling, a thick muck covers the floor (difficult terrain).

Bathtubs. Each of the tubs is filled with a dingy opaque sludge. The tub on the left contains a well-preserved female half-orc corpse wearing a silver locket with the inscription “Ronk + Emmak, Forever”. It’s worth 30 gp.

Doors. Creatures within 15 feet of the door when this room is first opened must succeed on a DC 8 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for the next hour from the vile stench pouring forth from the opening.

Toilets. A character can search the toilets to find a healing potion.

18. Feasting Chamber

Once a grand feasting hall, this chamber is now in ruins. The tiled floor is cracked and water-damaged, with broken tables and chairs scattered throughout the room. The remains of a long-forgotten feast still linger on the tables. A broken door to the west leads to what appears to be the kitchen, now a forgotten area of the chamber. Three skeletons are seated at the northeast table.

South Door. These double doors are unlocked.

West Door. Damaged and unlocked.

Undead. The skeletons stand and attack as soon as the door is opened.

19. Kitchen

The kitchen connected to the feasting hall is abandoned and in disrepair. Cooking equipment is broken and rusted, the walls are sooty, and the floor is slick with algae. A cold oven sits in one corner. There are doors to the south and east, and a storage room to the north.

East Door. The door is broken and unlocked.

West Door. The door is unlocked.

Suspicious Pickles. One of the barrels in the storage room has five pickles floating in a preserving solution. Eating one will heal 1d4 hit points. Eating more than two will cause the character pain and disadvantage to all Constitution saving throws for the next eight hours.

20. Gardener’s Room

This simple room is well-kept and clean with a number of rusty gardening tools resting against the wall. The bed in the corner, while made, has tattered blankets and a sturdy cupboard sits against the west wall.

Door. The door is in good condition and unlocked.

Gardener. A specter spends the evenings resting in this room and the rest of the day in room 21. It only cares about its duty to care for this room and room 21. It will defend itself and become aggressive if objects in these rooms are disturbed in its presence. The specter has an additional 9 (2d8) hit points.

Cupboard. A tall, well-made cupboard rests against the wall. It is locked but can be picked with a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. Inside are worn clothes neatly folded and a silver spade with a red gem in the handle worth 25 gp.

21. The Garden

This room has three long raised garden beds made of stone. Various plants with dark blue, red, and purple leaves overflow out of the beds. The eastern wall is separated by a reinforced glass wall. The room is dimly lit by faintly glowing stones in the ceiling.

Doors. The doors in this room are unlocked.

Gardener. See the Gardener entry in room 20.

Garden Beds. The beds are about two feet high with overgrown plants, providing half cover. A creature that comes into contact with a plant must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison damage. A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check of the soil within the beds reveals 7 (2d6) small blue stones worth 8 gp each.

Glass Wall. The glass wall has an enchantment on it. When viewed from the east, it looks like clear glass. But when viewed from the west, the garden appears lush with various fruit and vegetable plants with bright light filling the room. If the gardener is in the room, they appear as a human male happily tending to the garden. He is fertilizing the plants with small blue stones.

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