I were perched in the alley, me bamboots stretched out to a good fifteen feet. These magical stilts was cobbled together by a gnome called Ski Lowe so he could see over the tavern counter. Bloke’s a legend, even if he’s only three feet tall on a good day. Me? I’m just a goblin with a knack for second-story work, and these bamboots be the ticket to the high life. Literally.
Found ‘em in a junk shop, buried under a pile of broken clockworks and rusty spoons. The shopkeep didn’t know what he had, and I weren’t about to tell ‘im. Paid a sack o’ gold, strapped ‘em on, and next thing ya know, I’m towering over the whole bleedin’ town. They’re tricky to walk on at first, but once ya get the hang of it, the sky’s the limit.
Tonight’s job was big. The Count’s manor, right on the edge of town. Word were he got his hands on some fancy gold relic from the olden days. Sounded like a load o’ rubbish to me, but gold’s gold, innit? I adjusted me bamboots, feelin’ the magic hum through the bamboo, and they shot up another five feet. The window were right there, just begging to be opened. I leaned in, me fingers working the latch, and then the boot slipped! I teetered, arms flailing like a drunk pigeon, and nearly toppled off the roof. “Steady on,” I muttered to meself. “You’re a pro, ain’t ya?”
I got the window open, slipped inside, and there it were. A bejeweled golden egg, sitting on a velvet cushion. I snatched it up, quick as a wink, and were ’bout to make me escape when I heard the Count’s voice behind me. “Stop, thief!” he bellowed. I didn’t stop. I jumped out the window, hittin’ the ground runnin’. Well, more like wobblin’, but you get the idea. The egg were safe in me pack, and I were off into the night!
Wondrous Item (Boots), Uncommon
If your speed is not 0, you can use a bonus action to set the bamboo shoots attached to these boots to a height between 0 and 20 feet, lifting you to the chosen height. You can move over creatures or obstacles shorter than the chosen height as if they were difficult terrain.
While set to 5 feet or more, the bamboo shoots can be damaged. They have AC 17, 10 hit points and are immune to poison and psychic damage. They automatically fail all saving throws. If they are reduced to 0 hit points or you have the prone condition, you fall and the bamboo shoot height is reduced to 0 feet.
Check out last week’s item: maniacles.