Monster I’d Like to Fight: Scarke
Scarke were transformed by arcane pollution, from once intelligent seaborn species to eyeless instinct-driven creatures.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gormalith
The gormalith is a sphere of elastic flesh that forms tentacles that can knocks away competition that wants to steal it’s tasty prey.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Wood-Woven
Wood-woven form when shallow rooms come into contact with an unburied humanoid corpse. When fully grown, they seek flesh for further growth.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Rock Owl
As fast as an owl and as sturdy as an earth elemental, the rock owl is a formidable creature for low-level parties as it dive-bombs its enemies.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Gem Giant
While slumbering within stone, a gem giant absorbs nearby minerals to sustains themselves. Areas devoid of minerals are sometimes called a “giant’s rest.”
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Ambelk
Originally created as guardians, ambelk are oversized insect-like creatures with a metal carapace and venomous spikes they can launch from their back.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Swiftling
Swiftling tribes are nature-focused nomadic groups that travel large swaths of land, rarely remaining the the same place for more than a day.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Encepholite
Often referred to as mind mites and brain ticks, the encepholite is a tiny parasite that feeds on the brains of significantly larger creatures.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Chilasa
Chilasa are fast and brutal demons hailing from the coldest depths of the plane of Eternal Chaos that require a blizzard to summon.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Storm Rider
The storm rider is an elemental that is rarely found in hurricanes and cyclones. They’re lightning rods that discharge the electricity around them.