Undead and V-Day Themed Curses

Curses! A sarcophagus of a long dead vampire.

Curses are a form of retribution, often seen as a way to balance the scales of justice for those who have transgressed. They come in many forms, from simple hexes to complex and malevolent magic, and can bring great suffering and even death. Breaking a curse may require powerful magic or a great sacrifice, but for some, the chance to restore balance to their lives is worth the risk.

Below are some example curses to add to your campaign or to inspire your own.

Broken Heart Hex

A powerful sorceress placed this hex on a former lover, cursing them to a loveless life. The curse eventually spread to those who were close to both the sorceress and the former lover and continued to spread for generations.

Those who are cursed are unable to feel joy, love, or sadness, and their eyes take on a dead and empty gaze. They may speak and act normally, but their words and actions are devoid of any real feeling or compassion. The curse feeds on the victim’s soul, slowly draining them of their humanity and leaving them as nothing more than an empty shell.

While cursed with the broken heart hex, a creature has disadvantage on Charisma ability checks and Charisma (Insight) checks made against it are made at disadvantage.

Grave Robber’s Curse

In many cultures, it is common for people to be buried with their belongings, as a means of ensuring they would have everything they needed in the afterlife. To ward off potential theft, stories were spread of horrible curses that befell those who stole these items but most grave robber’s knew these stories were fiction. The wealthiest, however, could afford this arcane protection on their loved one’s belongings.

The grave robber’s curse is often placed on the most valuable item buried with the dead. Once touched, the curse extends to the thief. Until the curse is removed, anything the grave robber loots appears worthless to others. The item may show signs of damage or have a tarnished appearance. A strong odor of death or similar scent can trigger a feeling of disgust to potential buyers.

Dispel magic, remove curse, or similar magic can be used to restore a looted item to a state of value.

Hematophagic Oath

The origin of this curse began as an oath taken by followers of powerful vampires. The vampire would bestow a portion of its strength on beings who swore to protect it and its place of rest. While the oath provided these followers with a sliver of the vampire’s true power, it also cursed them with a thirst for fresh blood. Unfortunately, if the vampire patron were killed, this power was lost and the curse remained. Those left with only the curse were driven to madness or solitude.

The oath can still be found written in stone near former places of rest for vampires and includes a ritual and a promise of power. If a creature completes the ritual it is stricken with the curse. While cursed, the creature must pair its meals with an ounce of fresh blood to gain any nourishment from food.

Withering Bane

Withering bane causes a creature to slowly deteriorate. The creature is plagued by a constant, putrid stench that clings to its skin, hair, and extends to clothing and other worn gear. Their skin begins to flake and peel, revealing raw and infected flesh underneath, and their clothing is often covered in maggots and other pests.

The curse feeds on the victim’s life force, slowly draining them of their strength and vitality. After completing a long rest, an afflicted creature recovers half as many hit dice as normal.

Zombie Shuffle

While most often associated with the walking dead, zombie shuffle is actually a fey curse placed on an unsuspecting creature or hidden within an item as part of a prank. Those afflicted notice a slight imbalance and jerking motion to their movement.

The curse is most notable during moments of heightened stress, such as combat. At the end of an afflicted creature’s turn, if its speed is not 0, it immediately moves 5 feet to a random unoccupied space.

Freedom of movement or similar magic can suppress the effects of zombie shuffle for the duration of the spell or effect.

Further Reading

Keep an eye out for some of these curses in our February Dungeon23 level, the Mausoleum.

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