A lizardfolk barbarian of the Bitter Mire named Shurak went to claim a reward for acquiring a pair of basilisk eyes. The wizard, a triton named Jholnis Bhalath, plane shifted her to the Elemental Plane of Earth instead of paying what was promised.
After years of surviving and exploring the mountains and caverns of the Sevenfold Mazework, Shurak was able to enter the City of Jewels. She traded all but one of the treasures she collected in her explorations to the dao who lived there for a way off the plane.
The dao returned her to the Bitter Mire where she mustered her tribe for war. She besieged Jholnis’ castle where she put her remaining treasure, the Wall Breaker, to good use.
Breaching the curtain wall with her greatclub, Shurak’s army easily defeated the wizard’s mercenaries. She smashed her way to the top of Jholnis’ tower where she claimed the pouch of rubies that was due along with the wizard’s life.
Wall Breaker
Weapon (Greatclub), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
This greatclub has been chiseled from the fossilized femur of a giant xorn.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
While you are attuned to this weapon you gain the following effects:
Siege Weapon. Your attacks with this greatclub deal double damage to objects and structures.
Sapper. You gain a burrowing speed of 20 feet which you can use to move through sand, earth, mud, or ice.
Elemental Endurance. You have immunity to poison damage.
After attuning to this weapon for the first time, roll 1d4 and consult the Quirk Table. This item quirk is cosmetic in nature. You can end the quirk when you end the attunement if you choose.
Quirk Table
d4 | Quirk |
1 | Your limbs change color to look like they are made of stone with veins of reflective minerals. |
2 | Any words you speak echo as if you are in a cave and your voice takes on a warm, earthy timbre. |
3 | Your eyes, teeth, and nails change to look like they are made of polished gemstones of your choice. |
4 | The color of your hair, fur, or feathers changes to the color of a precious metal of your choice. |
Story hooks for DMs:
- Word has spread that the great chieftain of the Bitter Mire lizardfolk tribe, Dulshash Half-tail, has died. Her funeral will be held during a solar eclipse which is less than a week away. After a day of her deeds being extolled and her pyre burned, a fighting ring is erected in a boggy field. Any warrior which enters the ring must remove all armor, weapons, magic items and equipment—only simple clothing, natural weapons, and natural armor is allowed. Any adventurers that can survive the grand melee without being knocked unconscious will inevitably face Kaydos the goliath for the main prize: the Wall Breaker.
- In celebration of the birth of royal twins, Kyem and Silanee, the elven king Raloren Quo’Fenume has offered the Wall Breaker as a prize to whichever artisan or performer creates a work of art that most pleases his aesthetic sensibilities. Only perfect execution of a masterwork that appeals to his discerning tastes will have a chance to win. Some investigating or research during the gala may provide clues as to his favorite color, musical style, etc.
- While travelling, the adventuring party come upon a temporary extraplanar rift to the Elemental Plane of Earth. A stone bridge lit from beneath by a lava flow and a distant platform can be seen. On the platform, a duergar named Tizmala Stonehallow is cornered by xorns. If the party can help her fight off the xorns and escort her out of the portal and to the nearest city, she will gift them the Wall Breaker Greatclub she was wielding.