The Vault: Vest of Quick-Quaffing

The origins of this remarkable garment are traced to a distraught alchemist whose concoctions were reputed to rival the most potent spells, but she found the speed of their administration somewhat lacking. In an effort to counteract this, she imbued an enchanted vest vest with the essence of quicksilver and the breath of a wind elemental. Thus endowed, the wearer of the vest is granted an almost supernatural swiftness in the consumption of elixirs, their movements akin to the grace of a flickering flame.

Amidst the turmoil of combat, a healer, adorned with this vest, can administer potions with unparalleled speed to the fallen. A swordsman, confronted by a nimble adversary, might don the vest to swiftly consume a potion of speed, gaining advantage in combat. When infiltrating a heavily fortified stronghold, a rogue could utilize the vest to quaff potions of invisibility, gliding unseen through the dimly lit passages.

In their perilous ventures into treacherous territories, adventurers might carry antidotes, resistance potions, and other essential elixirs, ready to consume at a moment’s notice. During a fervent exploration of cavernous subterranean ruins, a scholar might carry potions of water breathing in case of flash flooding.

Occasionally, when one of these vests is discovered, it will have 1d4 potions of healing loaded into it.

Vest of Quick-Quaffing

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)

This vest has 6 slots that can each hold a potion. As an action, you can load a potion into an empty slot. Note which slot each potion is loaded into (1-6).

After a hostile creature deals damage to you, you can use a reaction to randomly consume a potion in the vest. Roll a d6, then consume the potion in the matching slot. If the slot is empty, no potion is consumed.

As a bonus action, you can consume a potion from the vest or administer it to a willing creature.

Check out last week’s item: the magnifying glass of seeking.

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