The Vault: Battlefield Medic’s Gloves

Battlefield Medic's Gloves by

Once ubiquitous on ancient battlefields, these magical gloves are now rarely encountered. They were issued to specialized troops or squires so that they would provide first aid to wounded soldiers or to stabilize fallen knights that were bleeding out in the mud.

Paladins, Clerics, and Druids will pay a high price or face dangerous environs and enemies for a chance to acquire a pair of these gloves.

Battlefield Medic’s Gloves

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)

This item is a pair of white leather gloves trimmed in red with red stitching.

While wearing these gloves you can use an action to cast the cure wounds spell, using your spellcasting modifier. Once you use this action, you can’t use it again until the next dawn.

When you cast a spell that restores hit points, you can add your proficiency bonus to the amount of hit points restored, provided you are wearing the gloves.

The gloves cannot be stained by blood.

Additionally, after attuning to the Battlefield Medic’s Gloves for the first time, roll 1d6 and consult the Quirk Table. This item quirk will not change if the attunement is ended.

Quirk Table

1When you cast a spell and you are wearing the gloves, they glow with bright light for 10 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet for an hour.
2While wearing the gloves, you can read and understand Dwarvish, but not speak it.
3You can tell if any plants, fungi, or liquids that you touch are poisonous while wearing the gloves.
4While wearing the gloves, you have advantage on Wisdom (Medicine) checks.
5When you cast a spell and you are wearing the gloves, any small nonmagical fires such as candles, torches or lanterns within 60 feet of you are extinguished.
6Once a day, while wearing the gloves you can use an action to sense whether there are any Undead within 100 feet of you.

Story Hooks for DMs:

  • While travelling, the adventurers come across a carnival. There are games of strength, knowledge, and skill. If the party can win enough of these games, the grand prize of a pair of Battlefield Medic’s Gloves will be theirs.
  • While looting a defeated enemy, the adventurers find a map to a treasure cache hidden in a cave at the summit of a nearby mountain. Among the contents is a pair of Battlefield Medic’s Gloves.
  • In a dungeon, the party come across a preserved corpse shackled to a torture rack wearing Battlefield Medic’s Gloves. To get to the body, they must navigate through a chamber full of traps.

Image generated by DALL·E

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