An order of spellcasters called the Esoteric Circle began studying the Astral Plane. Specifically, the aether that forms the fabric of the plane itself. After decades of research at their tower in the Astral Plane, they discovered a way to focus and trap the aether in enchanted gems.
With access to the energy of thoughts and dreams the aether had absorbed the Circle constructed rings which could protect their members and even help them strike back against any threats.
Unfortunately, the aetheric field rings were not enough to stop a herd of Astral Dreadnoughts from destroying their tower. The order disbanded and their rings found themselves in other hands.
Aetheric Field Ring
Wondrous Item (Ring), Rare (Requires Attunement)
This ring is a band of silver alloy set with a square sapphire gem. Wisps of white vapor emanate from the gem.
This item has 3 charges. It regains all expended charges daily at dawn.
While you are wearing the ring and are attuned to it you have access to the following effects:
Aetheric Absorbtion. When you take damage, you can expend a charge and use your reaction to halve the damage against you.
Aetheric Fulmination. Once per turn, when you deal damage to a target, you can expend a charge to deal force damage to the target equal to 2d6 plus your proficiency bonus.
Story hooks for DMs:
- A group of arcane researchers has unearthed an aetheric field ring and wishes to gift it to a worthy group of adventurers. The party hears they are holding an open symposium in a major city. A few groups attend competing with the adventurers for the ring: a group wishing to cripple the local thieves’ guild, a group wanting to explore a dangerous nearby cavern network, and a party wanting to drive a green dragon out of its swamp lair. With the help of a zone of truth spell, the researchers hope to discern which party will benefit the city the most.
- While exploring a dungeon, the party come upon a room filled with mist which was generated by an aetheric field ring over decades. The ring is concealed within a crystal chandelier set to explode if tampered with in the middle of the ceiling. The mist obscures the floor which is scattered with traps. Most of the traps are spike pits and the rest trigger poisoned darts from the walls.
- A cyclops named Syrtirus has set up a roadblock with a felled tree. He wears an aetheric field ring on a gold chain but hasn’t figured out how to use it. Stopping the party as they travel the road, he demands a service fee for removing the tree out of their way. Syrtirus isn’t malicious, but he is greedy and wants to be well compensated. Gems please him and, if the characters pay him well and aren’t hostile, he may be convinced to trade the ring for 6,000 gp worth in gems, especially if that value is arrived by a smaller number of valuable gems.