The Vault: The Circlet of Elvenkind

Circlet of Elvenkind

A Circlet of Elvenkind is part of a set of items created by master smiths of the Elven empire to be gifted to the leaders of all the major Dwarven communities. The Dwarven empire reciprocated by gifting Belts of Dwarvenkind to the Elven High Court.

These items were cherished and strengthened the alliance between the two peoples. They were not only symbols of each civilization’s friendship to each other, but also as a way to facilitate diplomacy between them by allowing each other to see the world from a different perspective.

As the centuries passed and their alliance grew frail, both empires collapsed and many of the circlets were lost or looted. Few who encounter these items now will know of the significance they once had.

Circlet of Elvenkind

Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)

This item is a circlet made from a thick wire of silver with bronze oak leaves.

While wearing this circlet, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your Dexterity increases by 2, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to interact with Elves.

In addition, while attuned to the circlet, you have a 50 percent chance each day at dawn for the top of your ears to elongate and become pointy until the next dawn.

If you aren’t an elf, you gain the following additional benefits while wearing the circlet:

  • You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  • You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
  • You can speak, read, and write Elvish.

Story hooks for DMs:

  • A Gnome artificer named Teeza Cragspeeler knows of a newly discovered Dwarven ruin under a nearby mountain which she believes contains two Circlets of Elvenkind. She will pay adventurers with one of the circlets if they help her acquire them.
  • A collector of Elven antiquities named Hillel Rosanna has had his beloved collection stolen by a local thieves’ guild known as the Midnight Veil. He has a ransom note and wishes to hire adventurers to protect him during the exchange. If the adventurers protect him from the Veil’s inevitable betrayal, he will pay them 250 gp each and a Circlet of Elvenkind.
  • While travelling in a desolate area, the adventurers encounter an ancient Dwarven mausoleum. The first two levels are infested with Undead, but the third level has the crypt of Rhona Firepike who was buried wearing a Circlet of Elvenkind. Her spirit will attack the adventurers if they disturb the lid of her crypt.

Image generated by DALL·E

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