The Vault: Medal of Consolation
Tabbitt created the trophy for his second favorite warrior, a human knight named Sir Cedric, who had shown great valor in battle but had never quite managed to achieve the same level of recognition as other champions of the kingdom.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Salarsh
Salarsh are a race of humanoid creatures created through the druid awakening of swamp lizards. Salarsh have a natural affinity with magic.
The Vault: Banner of the Sun
The banner of the sun is a fabled relic of the ancients, steeped in the vitality of the sun itself.
The Vault: Sigourney’s Weaver’s Tools
These magical weaver’s tools were created by a powerful enchantress, who was fascinated by the art of weaving and its potential application to the arcane arts.
The Vault: Horn of Wyrmcalling
This horn was originally created by a powerful dragon mage as a reward for her most loyal captain. Using her vast knowledge of the arcane arts, the dragon imbued it with the power to summon wyrmling spirits to aid the wielder in battle.
The Vault: Bracer of the Mystic Hand
The bracer was designed to be worn on the arm, and it has the ability to replace a lost hand, allowing its user to regain full use of their limb.
Dungeon23 – Fey Hollow – March Week 5
The final week for the Dungeon23 March Map. New rooms: Lily Pond, Slime Pool, Rug Room, Isolation Room, The Armory.
The Vault: Captain’s Shield
A renowned artificer forged this shield from a rare metal which was thought to have been a gift from the stars.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Telepresence Sentry
Telepresence sentries are constructs of recent design, used to extend the reach and presence of powerful wizards and other spellcasters.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Carnivorous Grassling
The carnivorous grassling appears as a patch of grass with native plants and weeds growing on it. It lays in wait for prey to approach before attacking.