ShadowDark: Ancestries

The desire to explore dangerous environments for a chance at riches and powerful items can emerge in any ancestry.

Here are extra options when you create a dungeon crawler.


Humanoid fungi that prefer to dwell in darkened caverns.

You do not understand any written or spoken languages.

Telepathy. You can speak mentally with creatures within double near as if you shared a language.

Fungal Body. You have advantage to resist poison and poison attacks deal half damage to you.


Intelligent centauroid ants that build large, complex colonies.

You know the Common and Myrmite languages.

Antennae. You can always sense whatever is within close distance of you, even in darkness.

Tunnel. You can tunnel through 5 feet of soil or sand instead of your normal movement on a turn.


Humans that exhibit elemental traits due to extraplanar energy that affected their bloodlines.

You know the Common language and one additional common language.

Elemental Trait. Roll on the following table.

Elemental Aspect. If your elemental trait is Earth, Air, Water, or Fire, elemental creatures of the same type have a friendly reaction to you unless you attack them.

1Synergy. +1 to an attribute of your choice.
2-3Earth. As long as you are not wearing armor, your AC is 10 + your CON modifier.
4-5Air. Once per day, your movement speed doubles for three turns.
6-7Water. Once per day, drinking a flask of water will restore 1 hit point.
8-9Fire. Once per day, you glow as bright as a torch for an hour and you can have advantage on one melee attack during that time.
10Choose a trait.

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