The Vault: Powdered Armor

The sales-goblin showed up at me cave yesterday, all slick and shiny like a polished rock. He had this big book full o’ pictures and said he was sellin’ the latest in gear—powered armor. “Makes ya strong as three ogres,” he said, grinnin’ wide. Didn’t trust ‘im one bit, but I always wanted to be a proper menace! I dug out all me coins, even the ones hid under me bed, and wrote down the order: “powdered armor.” I ain’t great with letters, but it looked close enough to me.

When the box came, I ripped it open. But instead of a big, shiny suit of metal, there was just this tiny bag of sparkly dust. I stared at it, me ears floppin’ down like wet leaves. “This ain’t armor,” I growled. “This is what pixies leave behind after a night of dancin’!” I was ready to find that salesman and give him a good drubbin’. But then I got to thinkin’. What if this stuff did somethin’? Couldn’t ever resist a good “what if,” even when it usually ends with singed eyebrows.

I opened the bag and sprinkled some powder over my head. It glittered like a dragon’s hoard, then it started stickin’, spreadin’ out all over me body. Before I knew it, I was covered in plates of armor, shinin’ bright as the sun. Couldn’t wait to show me new digs to Griz, the jealousy would kill him!

Then it started rainin’. I didn’t think much of it at first. But then the water hit the armor, and the whole thing started drippin’ off me like mud. I stood there, watchin’ my fancy new suit turn into a puddle of sparkly sludge at my feet. I hefted the bag in me hand, feeling its weight. Maybe tomorrow I’ll show Griz me prize.

Powdered Armor

Wondrous Item, Varies

This bag contains 1d4+1 pinches of translucent powder. As an action, you can sprinkle a pinch in on an unarmored creature. For the next 8 hours, the creature gains AC according to the rarity of the powder:

  • Uncommon. You gain an AC of 13 + your dexterity modifier.
  • Rare. You gain an AC of 16 + your dexterity modifier. (+2 maximum)
  • Very Rare. You gain an AC of 19.

You can use a shield and still gain this benefit. If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are automatically stabilized and the benefit ends. Also, if you are immersed in water, the benefit ends.

Check out last week’s item: the guardian gnome.

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