The Vault: Ichordion

The ichordion was a rare and mysterious instrument. Some said it was forged by an ancient ooze god, a deity older than memory. This ooze lord, pleased by the various aerial vibrations created by slimes dripping into ponds within its cavernous abode, bound a collection of its minions into an instrument. The accordion carried the fluid grace of its origin and the sweet, sorrowful notes of a song.

The origins of the ichordion were steeped in ancient magics and divine will. The ooze god became aware of a bard singing silly songs of ooze-kind, and felt a strange attraction. As a reward, the god gifted the bard this peculiar instrument. He was charged with a new mission: to spread the god’s word through his music. Each note played echoed the sounds of the ooze lord’s realm. The bard spoke their hidden language and formed bonds with these strange, shunned beings. When he failed to show for his final appearance, rumors spread that he had transformed into an ooze himself, to live among them in the realm of the ooze lord.

The ichordion did more than speak for the bard. In battle, it was a fearsome weapon. With its magic, the bard could unleash streams of burning acid on his foes, melting away any that stood against him. The instrument also protected its master, wrapping him in a shield against ooze and slime attacks. This blend of attack and defense made it a priceless ally for any bard. It was a tool for mastering the deep, dark music of the ooze god’s realm.


Wondrous Item (Musical Instrument), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)

You must be proficient with a musical instrument to use this accordion. While attuned to it, you know the acid splash cantrip, using Charisma as your spellcasting ability.

As an action, you can play the accordion to communicate with oozes within 60 feet of you until the start of your next turn. Furthermore, you have resistance to any damage dealt to you by an ooze.

The accordion has 5 charges. While holding it, you can expend one charge to cast the acid splash cantrip as a bonus action. It regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Check out last week’s item: the branch of the world tree.

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