The Vault: Hungry Handbag

Crafted by a covetous sorcerer with an aversion to forsaking treasure, the hungry handbag engulfs possessions, transforming them into gleaming gold currency. Disliking the abandonment of spoils, she conceived this insatiable accessory as a solution for transporting and converting loot effortlessly.

Rumors spread swiftly among clerics devoted to avarice, who found in it a formidable tool for battlefield scavenging. Devouring remnants left in the wake of conflict, the bag swiftly transforms spoils into a cascade of golden currency.

The creation serves as a relentless companion on quests, ensuring no plunder goes unclaimed and every acquisition manifests as precious gold.

Hungry Handbag

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

As an action, you can speak the command word and place the handbag on a non-magical object that can fit within a 5-foot-cube, and isn’t being worn or carried. If the object has a value of at least 2 gp, the handbag voraciously devours it, converting it into an amount of gp equal to half of it’s value. The handbag can store up to 500 gp.

Check out last week’s item: the chalice of rejuvenation.

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