The Vault: Hammer of Banishment

I crouched low behind the rocks, watchin’. The knight and the demon, fightin’ with a fury. The paladin’s armor shone bright, but that wasn’t what caught my eye. No, it was the big ol’ hammer she swung. The handle was sturdy, and the head of it—two fists, one pointin’ one way, the other the other way. Every time that hammer hit, it cracked like thunder, and the demon hissed. That hammer was magic.

The demon wasn’t givin’ up, though. Spit flyin’ from its mouth as it gnashed and clawed. It was angry, real angry. But the paladin? She didn’t flinch. Her hammer kept comin’ down, slammin’ the demon repeatedly. On one solid hit, that demon screeched and it was gone, like it was pulled out of the world.

I was thinkin’, when this was over, once the knight’s breathin’ hard and tired, I could snatch that hammer. She’d be too busy catchin’ her breath. I’d slip in like I always do, real quiet-like, and that hammer’d be mine. I’d sell it to some other big-folk or keep it for myself. Either way, it’d be a good day.

The paladin was a fool for thinkin’ she had the demon beat as it reappeared before her. It wasn’t done yet, with a vicious claw it opened a bloody gash in the knight’s leg. I was thinkin’, if that demon got its greasy claws on that hammer, he might take it back to whatever abyss he came from and I’d never see it again. I drew my short bow and took aim.

Hammer of Banishment

Weapon (Any Hammer), Very Rare

When you use this hammer to hit a creature that is not native to the plane of existence you are currently on, that target takes an additional 2d6 force damage.

When you roll a 20 on your attack roll against a creature with this hammer, you banish the target to a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. The target remains there until the end of your next turn, at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.

Check out last week’s item: the danger cube.

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