The Vault: Gob’s Globe

This unassuming sphere was the brainchild of the infamous abjurist, Gob. He was a wizard with an extraordinary talent for conjuring protective enchantments but was notorious among his peers for his intense, often bizarre allergies. It was rumored his sneezes could shake the very walls of his tower.

One unfortunate day, Gob was conducting an experiment involving fire and earth elemental magic in the heart of a volcano. This is when Gob’s allergies surfaced, causing him to sneeze during a particularly delicate part of the ritual. An explosion instantly flung him towards a pool of magma, burning Gob intensely. Fortunately, Gob was not one to be defeated by mere molten rock, and it was in this dire moment that the concept for Gob’s globe was born.

Gob became obsessed with crafting a magical item that would protect its occupants from perilous environments and treacherous falls. Drawing upon his wizardly prowess and fueled by his determination to never again find himself sneezing in the face of disaster, he poured his efforts into the creation of Gob’s globe.

The final result was a tiny marble that, when activated through a special command word, would transform into a large, transparent sphere capable of accommodating up to four individuals. This sphere possessed an innate, all-encompassing protective aura, rendering its occupants immune to the harmful effects of extreme temperatures, corrosive gases, pollen, or any other environmental perils that might befall them. It even defied gravity itself, nullifying the danger of falling from great heights.

Gob’s Globe

Wondrous Item (marble), Rare (Requires Attunement)

This marble can grow into a Large transparent protective sphere that can comfortably carry up to four Medium occupants. As an action, you can throw the marble into an empty space within 30 feet of you and speak the command word. If there is enough room, it becomes a Large sphere. Creatures of your choice can pass through the sphere’s wall along with any gear they’re carrying, everything else is blocked, including environmental hazards. The sphere contains breathable air for up to one hour. If the sphere is empty, you can speak the command word again to return it to its original size.

You can use your movement to move the sphere up to 30 feet along a solid or liquid surface. It falls at a speed of 60 feet per round, it and it’s occupants take no falling damage, and are not knocked prone. The sphere has AC 13 with 20 hit points and is immune to poison and psychic damage, as well as damage caused by environmental hazards.

The globe recharges its breathable air and regains all of its hit points daily at dawn.

Check out last week’s item: the fist of the elements.

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