The Vault: Fantasy Feast

Step right up, adventurers, and behold the latest culinary delight! Introducing Fantasy Feast, the mighty magical kibble for your loyal companions!

Are you tired of your pet or familiar lagging behind in the face of danger? Fear not, for Fantasy Feast is here to save the day! Simply add some of this miraculous kibble to your furry friend’s feed, and watch in awe as they unleash untold powers!

With just one taste, your humble companion will be transformed into a ferocious force to be reckoned with! From lightning-fast flying to unbreakable durability, there’s no limit to the enchantments they’ll manifest!

But wait, there’s more! For a limited time only, we’re offering a special bonus enchantment with every purchase of Fantasy Feast! Your loyal sidekick will not only gain incredible strength but also the uncanny ability to speak in common, summoning forth words of wisdom and wit!

Be aware, heed our words of caution! Side effects may include uncontrollable hiccups, spontaneous bursts of glitter, and an insatiable craving for cheese. Use with caution, and watch as your faithful friend becomes an unstoppable force of nature!

Don’t delay, grab your jar of Fantasy Feast today, and let the magic begin! If you buy two jars in the next 30 minutes, you’ll get a third jar absolutely free!

Fantasy Feast

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This large jar contains 5 servings of a strong smelling kibble. The jar and its contents weigh 2 pounds.

As an action, one serving of the feast can be fed to a willing beast or familiar. The creature that receives it gains 2d6 temporary hit points. For the next 10 minutes, the creature also gains the following benefits:

  • It deals an additional 1d6 force damage when it hits with an attack.
  • It gains a flying speed of 30 feet.
  • It gains the ability to speak common.

Once per week, a druid or ranger can spend an hour foraging to refill 1d4+1 servings of the feast.

Check out last week’s item: the prismatic quill.

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