The Vault: Chalice of Rejuvenation

Forged by supplicants of a forest deity by weaving roots from the world tree, the chalice of rejuvenation was often gifted to loyal druids and powerful allies. However, they sometimes fell into more mischievous hands when pilfered by trickster fey during drunken escapades. Filled with potent life essence, this vessel, when cast upon the earth, exhales a cloud of vibrant mist that forms into a restful glade. Afterwards it becomes forever transformed, morphing into a verdant bush that, at dawn, calls upon nature’s spirit to birth revitalizing sustenance.

Surrounding flora take notice of those who bear the chalice of rejuvenation. Leaves on nearby trees rustle, as if gently murmuring secrets to one another. The chalice itself will occasionally mimic the sounds of small forest creatures. But, it is said that bearers that would do harm to nature might find the chalice transformed into a fistful of soil.

Chalice of Rejuvenation

Wondrous Item, Very Rare

As an action, you can place the chalice on the ground and speak the command word. Creatures of your choice within 20 feet of the chalice can use their reaction to instantly gain the benefits of a short rest. The chalice then disintegrates and a shrub large enough to fill a 5-foot-cube grows in its place. Daily, at dawn, the shrub casts the goodberry spell.

Check out last week’s item: the shield of constellations.

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