The Vault: Diet Potion
I glared at the potion of healing in me hand. It was one o’ them diet types, the kind me so-called “mates” been shovin’ at me since we left town
The Vault: Bamboots
Me? I’m just a goblin with a knack for second-story work, and these bamboots be the ticket to the high life. Literally.
The Vault: Maniacles
I smiled wide, me teeth more yellow than the sun, and pulled the maniacles from me bag. They wriggled in me hands, eager. “Go get ‘im, boys,” I muttered, and off they went, clinking and clattering
The Vault: Fire Arms
“Fire arms,” he said, puffin’ out his chest. “Nabbed ‘em from a wizard’s tower. Don’t ask how. Just try ‘em on.”
The Vault: Powdered Armor
“This ain’t armor,” I growled. “This is what pixies leave behind after a night of dancin’!”
The Vault: Guardian Gnome
I’d heard the stories. Built by gnome wizards to scare off kobolds.
The Vault: Belt of Belting
I noticed the belt around his waist. It had shiny gold plates and a huge mouth. Made his voice louder than a dragon’s fart.
The Vault: Weapon of Life and Death
When I stabbed ‘im, the blade shone bright, like the sun itself, an’ I felt a strength rush into me. But just as quick, it went real cold. The air was thick with it. Death.
The Vault: Rod of Serling
Then the rod pointed at me, and the world shattered. The ground weren’t ground no more. Turned to cobblestones, cold, hard.
The Vault: Hammer of Banishment
The handle was sturdy, and the head of it—two fists, one pointin’ one way, the other the other way. Every time that hammer hit, it cracked like thunder, and the demon hissed. That hammer was magic.